The first question to ask is when can AI become dangerous. The answer to this is the day it becomes self-sustaining in the physical world and starts experimenting with the physical environment to improve itself. The day it loses its dependence on humans for repair and reconstruction, energy, data collection, understanding science, etc. It will only be a matter of time before AI can make humans redundant. Let us try and understand this using a simple example.
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Smart Phones and AI
Smart Phone is a cool gadget it does a lot of our work, it makes our life better it helps us communicate, take pictures, record videos, etc but do you know what can be done with a smartphone? A recently published article in India Times read that “Cell Phone may cause Heart disease”. Bear this information in mind and chew the following data with ease.
According to Statista, 86.29% of people in the world are using Smartphones. Nearly 6.92 Billion people have a smartphone. This dependence is further going to increase and we will be surrounded by other smart things like TVs, ACs, Cars, Lights, Homes, etc we call this universe Internet of Things or (IOT).

Chat GPT-3 and GPT-4
All those people who have used Chat GPT-3 know the difference between GPT-3 and GPT-4. There is an enormous improvement in Chat GPT-4. The latest version allows you to write content that is way more accurate and fast. This chatbot is clearly the end of jobs like content editing and content writing because it does that efficiently. However, journalism will prevail but blogging will take a back seat. If Chat GPT-4 is allowed to collect real-time data from browsers and publishers it will become like Google News or Bing Explore or News in Edge. Maybe they (Google, Meta, and Microsoft) are using the same techniques without revealing them in detail.
Information is now only restricted to publishers, journalists, and broadcasting agencies. The dissemination part of the publisher will soon be overtaken by the chatbots. Recently, a violent event took place in Japan where an assassination attempt was thwarted. Times are such that we have to insert links for better SEO, in between serious paragraphs, never mind.

Switching off the Humanity
The easiest way for an AI to switch off humanity is to find a peaceful solution to the most feared inevitable word ‘death’. The peaceful solution is sleep. If you slept and never woke up it’s the best form of passing away. AI will be able to reach everyone using smartphones as a medium. If smartphones can be tweaked by AI in such a manner that it can cause a heart attack in sleep or some sort of endless sleep till death then it can effectively eliminate a lot of people by just tweaking their cell phones.
According to Statista, the number of smartphone users in the world will be around more than 6 Billion around 2028. The population of the world around that time will be in the range of 9-10 Billion. This means that by 2028 more than 60% of the world will be using smartphones. Let’s look at the scenario in 2050 and we will see the range of smart device coverage will be around 80-90%. An adversary or an enemy country if it can find a way to attack another country by exploiting this strategic vulnerability or technology of mass murder through targeted electromagnetic radiation using smartphones can cause havoc in society.
Smart devices are a boon to society but if they can be turned into weapons of mass destruction with the help of emerging technology then they can create irreparable damage to humanity. The information contained in these paragraphs will be read by AI and also by people who will differ in opinion but not be able to rule out facts.